Contact: Position open
The Ministers of Hospitality greet, welcome, and assist the faithful as they gather for worship. They are the first friendly faces that you see upon entering the sanctuary, they take up the collection, and hand out our bulletins at the end of Mass.
Kent Swagler
Sacristans open the church and prepare the chapel or church for Mass by readying the host & wine and lighting candles. After Mass, they tidy up and put away the tithe. They also ensure all ministers (readers, altar servers, etc.) have checked in.
Kent Swagler
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at the Holy Mass in a clear, persuasive way and with interpretive emphasis so that the faithful may discover anew God’s Word, alive in our assembly.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Kent Swagler
EMoHC assist the presider in the distribution of Holy Communion & the Precious Blood. Training is provided throughout the year.
Altar Servers
Deacon Art Hampton
Youth altar servers assist at weekday and weekend Masses as well as weddings and other special liturgies. All registered parishioners who are young gentlemen and ladies in the 5th grade and higher are welcome to serve.
Funeral Coordinator
Parish Office
Angi Klohr
Helps plan funeral details and luncheons..
Art & Environment
Angi Klohr
The A & E Committee provides leadership in setting the environment of the church during all the liturgical seasons. Its major responsibilities include decorating for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, as well as other special parish events.
Wedding Coordinator
Ruth Cochran
Is the liaison between bride and parish. Helps coordinate the rehearsal though the wedding.
Adult Choir
Tim Jansen
Our choir practices on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30
Children's Choir
Tim Jansen
Practices on Wednesdays from 7:30-8am. Children every Wednesday, sing once per month at weekend Mass and at Christmas & Easter.