St. Ann's CCW
Carol Geluck, President
St. Ann’s CCW is an organization founded to support the spiritual welfare of all women in Holy Trinity Parish. We come together once a month to enjoy each other’s friendship and work on activities which assist our parish.
Heavenly Dusters
Angela Pearson
The Heavenly Dusters is a group of women of the parish who devote a few hours of their time to help clean the church every Saturday morning beginning at 8:30am. Right now, there are five groups, so the crews are scheduled to clean on an average of once a month. The crews get together before Christmas and Easter to give the Church a more thorough cleaning.
Thursday Crew
Jim Etherton
The Thursday Crew is a group of individuals who maintain the Church’s outdoor facilities and property. Skills are appreciated but are certainly not required. If you’re looking for some fresh air, exercise, and fellowship,
please consider joining us.
We meet every Thursday morning at 7:30 during the spring and summer.
Stop by and enjoy a cup of coffee while we plan the day’s projects.
Ministry to the Homebound
Parish Office
Ministers to the Homebound are a select group from our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, specially trained to bring the Body and Precious Blood to those of our community that are physically unable to participate in the Mass with us on a weekly basis.
Deb Bingheim
The quilters meet on Wednesdays from 9am to 3pm and on Thursday evenings from 6-9 PM. They strive to create 24 beautiful quilts each year for various parish functions.
Joann Schmits
Welcome Ministry is responsible for parish Welcome Program: mailing out welcome letters, making “welcome” phone calls, assisting in planning and setting up of new member meals, assisting with new member orientation.
Boy Scouts
Jim O'Neil
Phone 618-210-7732
Meetings are Tuesday nights at Holy Trinity
7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Cub Scouts
Alex Sherfy
Wellness Ministry
Bernie Cook
Help spread health and wellness to our parish commuity by organizing events such as health fairs and blood drives! We host Yoga every Thursday @ 6:15pm
St. Vincent dePaul
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is composed of members from Holy Trinity and St. Stephen’s Parish in Caseyville. Their purpose is to provide assistance to people within the parish boundaries who need help.